
Ffmpeg nodejs grep output
Ffmpeg nodejs grep output

I can't get anything but a long string from it. Now all I am doing is working on ways of actually parsing the data, and I have looked at lots of other answers for things like this, but I can't seem to split/replace/regex it. Here is an example of the command that I am using: ffmpeg -f avfoundation -framerate 30 -video_size 640x480 -pix_fmt uyvy422 -i "0:1" -f mpegts -codec:v mpeg1video -s 640x480 -b:v 1000k -bf 0 This does everything I need for the streaming side of things, but I wish to call it via NodeJS, and then be able to monitor the log, and parse the data that comes back for example: frame= 4852 fps= 30 q=6.8 size= 30506kB time=00:02:41.74 bitrate=1545.1kbits/s speed= 1x \rĪnd use it to get a JSON array back for me to output to a webpage. Now I looked at a lot of the NodeJS libraries but I couldn't find one that did what I need or did not understand how to. Capture an image: raspistill -o cam.jpg Record a video: raspivid -o vid.h264 Video for Linux 2 V4L2. In essence the command does the following: take input from a Mac OSX webcam, and then stream it to a web-socket. Raspicam commands has a set of tools to work with the camera module: raspistill, raspivid, and raspiyuv. So I have seen a lot of topics on FFMPeg and it's a great tool I learnt about today, but I have spent the day perfecting the command and now am a little stuck with the NodeJS part.

Ffmpeg nodejs grep output